Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does anyone have any information on the benefits of coconut oil?

A family friend read that taking coconut oil can help you lose weight. I find it hard to believe considering the high amount of sat fat...but who knows? A resource would be appreciated!Does anyone have any information on the benefits of coconut oil?
I have the perfect site.…

There are so many benefits and uses for coconut oil. I plan to switch to it after reading thi article. There are also many more health topics that Dr. Mercola has on his website that I have found very useful. I recommend signing up for his newsletter. It's bi-monthly.Does anyone have any information on the benefits of coconut oil?
Hi JP.

Your a family friend, get a good information, yes coconut oil can help you lose weight. Coconut oil does not contain toxic unsaturated oil that other oils do. It is loaded with healthy benefits that include lowering your cholesterol and your weight.

Coconut oil has a pleasant taste, does not go rancid (even after a year) like other oils and has health benefits instead of health detriments. Civilizations consuming coconut oil without the trans fat oils are healthier, have less colon problems, less cancer, do not battle weight loss and have less heart disease.

Coconut oil has antioxidant properties due to the lack of oxidation of the oil in the body thereby reducing the need to supplement Vitamin E that is normally used up in the oxidation process. The general studies indicate that regular consumption of coconut oil reduces cholesterol to a normal level by converting cholesterol into pregnenolone.

The trans fats stay in the bloodstream and eventually collect as fat in the vessels and body. Coconut oil goes straight to the liver and is converted to energy. This “good” oil speeds up your body’s metabolic rate, causes you to burn calories and in this manner you will loose weight.

Coconut oil has a laundry list of healthy benefits. Using coconut oil as a supplement, 3-4 tablespoonfuls a day, produces sufficient lauric acid. Lauric acid produces monolaurin. Monolaurin is a natural antiviral that kills viruses. This is a huge support to the immune system.

The medicinal use worldwide of coconut oil includes: supplement to prevent osteoporosis, sore throat, kidney stone dissolving, reduce swelling and for weight loss.

Please look article:…

Battle weight loss the natural way. Replace all oil such as butter, margarine, vegetable oil or shortening with coconut oil.

Jason Homan

There are a TON of benefits to coconut oil, and it can help you lose weight. See what sets it apart from the more regularly used oils such as canola, vegetable or soy (etc) is that those oils are all Long-chain triglycerides (TCG). Long chains are harder for the body to metabolize and are naturally directed by your body straight to your liver (via chylomicrons - fat transport system in the body) where they are brokendown and later stored in your fat stores. Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) like coconut and coconut oils are more easily brokendown and used immediately by the body as an energy source. Not only do they increase your metabolism rate but they also don't cause an increased amount of blood lipids or fat storage.

Although 90%+ of their fat is saturated, just because it is brokendown so easily and utilized this shouldnt pose a problem as long as it is eaten in moderation. In addition because of the higher fibrous content, it has been noted that those who consume with coconut in their diet stay full for longer under smaller quantities of food. I believe this is also partly the key to the weight loss as well.

If you want to incorporate this into your diet, try having some fresh coconut or using the coconut oil in your cooking instead of the more commonly used fats. Of course coconuts must be eaten in moderation and never as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Regular exercise and proper nutrition are a must and will lead you on the road to a much healthier lifestyle.

I've read numerous studies in which patients who consumed the same caloric intake had a higher weight loss rate and lower storage rate than those who were on a regular diet.

Try it out!
Here's a list of people who used it for different ailments.


Acid Reflux

5/28/2006: June from Adelaide South Australia writes, After reading on this site the positive comments regarding coconut oil, I managed to purchase some excellent C/oil on May 6th, started taking 1 x tbsn. each meal, although I did miss at times. My indigestion/reflux disappeared almost immediately as did my desire for coffee and alcohol. I am also using it externally. As it is only three weeks ago that I started I will wait to give a report on my hair, skin etc. If anyone would like to know the name of the company I purchased from, I can give it. It is important to know exactly the quality you use.';

6/5/2006: Pinoy Ako from the Philippines writes, ';I am still observing its effect: Taking Virgin Coconut Oil after meal (1TB after every meal = 3x daily) appears to relieve the production of phlegm associated with gastric reflux. I take my last one an hour before going to bed, and wakes up in better condition than when not taking it. Please note that the coconut oil has to be cold-pressed process, hence, it's called Virgin Coconut Oil, which also lowers cholesterol and boosts immunity. DO NOT consume non-virgin coco oil--that will clog your arteries!';


1/18/2007: Amy from Boise, Idaho writes, ';I have been using topical prescription acne meds for 2 years and have done pretty well. This winter I have had a terrible time with dry skin and acne. I have tried exfoliators and lots of moisturizer to relieve the dry skin flakes and have seen no improvement. Just more pimples and flakes. One morning I woke up with a large rash on my neck where I had used an exfoliator. That night I started using coconut oil on my face and neck. (not virgin, Spectrum brand refined) My neck looked much better the next day and I did not wake up with any new pimples which I was very surprised. It was scary putting something so oily on my face! My large pimples under my neck went away in 3 days. My flaky skin was gone in one day. My skin looks great, soon I will try the virgin coconut oil for my face and to include in my diet. This is the first time I have ever been able to say that something natural and possibly a fad REALLY worked for me.';

10/17/2005: Samantha from Moravia, IA writes, ';I got some coconut oil from a friend that told me to put it on at night before i went to bed. I do not know what kind of coconut oil it is, but i put it on every night. I have always had a problem with acne and red blemishes on my face. The coconut oil cleared my face within days. I was stunned. I have tried face cleansers, proactive, skin buffers, etc. nothing worked for me. I will forever be grateful for the tip to use coconut oil.';

2/8/2006: Ann from Reading, England writes, ';I suffered from acne, tried most products in the shelf but nothing seemed to work. A friend told me about coconut oil which l have been using for the last five months all the acne cleared and the marks are clearing gradually. It is a miracle cure!';

2/3/2006: Denel from Odessa, Texas writes, ';i'm trying coconut oil for dark spots left from face blemishes. it seems to be helping - about how long do you think it will take for the spots to lighten up? I also take 6tsps of the coconut oil daily.';

Earth Clinic responds: Sorry Denel, we have no idea! Please let us know...

3/22/2006: Mia writes, ';Organic Unrefined coconut oil cleared my face of blemishes and marks. I started breaking out on my face a couple months ago and I didn't know what to do. I tried everything. Then my dad told me about coconut oil and the health benefits it has. I did alot of research for it and it seemed like a good skin remedy. I decided to try it. I noticed a HUGE difference the next day. It has cleared my skin incredibly. It has made my skin soft and glowing just like it had been before. Coconut oil has also made me more energetic and even healthier. IT IS AN AMAZING MIRACLE CURE!!';


3/14/2007: Kristina from Waukesha, Wisconsin writes: ';I tried coconut oil on my face for winter dryness because I also have acne. It does moisturize but it also for me caused more breakouts and made me oilier. Honey works much better for me (I rinse it off after a few minutes) I do use coconut oil on my daughter's sensitive skin for general moisturizing and it is effective even for deep moisturizing.';

5/6/2006: JL From PA writes, ';Coconut oil gave me nothing but red skin and a billion tiny little whiteheads.';


2/27/2006: Dani from Sydney NSW writes, ';Been taking this for over one month so far. Unfortunately, i wasn't aware of the ';side-effects'; when i started, and started taking the standard 3 - 5 tbsp daily, thinking this is good for me. The nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting were not pleasant. I would become nauseous around 8 - 10 hours later, diarrhea would follow, and sometimes i'd wake in the middle of the night to vomit. It took a while to work out these symptoms were caused by the coconut oil. I kept thinking it was food poisoning. I stopped taking coconut oil temporarily, and the symptoms disappeared. Started the coconut oil again, and the symptoms returned -- just like clockwork. I found the trick is to start off with smaller doses, say 1 tsp the first week, then gradually increase. Wish i'd known this prior to starting, would've saved me nearly a month of continually feeling nauseous and ill. On the plus, it has helped with a few things -- it's diminished cravings for sweets and alcohol. And that's great! I'm hoping the longer i take this oil, the more i'll receive some of the other wonderful benefits that i've read about.';


3/22/2006: Shelly, from Medford, OR writes, ';I had a stubborn case of athlete's foot for several months. Tried every kind of natural/herbal cure that I could think of, but there was no relief. I read about coconut oil bringing healing to skin rashes, so I decided to try it. After a week of applying the oil, twice a day, the rash is gone. I'm also feeding it to our dog every morning with his food. He LOVES it! He 's a young dog with no apparent health problems, but I look at as a preventative measure and I anticipate that it will also help him with flea and tick problems. It's great to have such wonderful natural remedies!!!';

7/2/2006: Dianne from Mansfield, MA writes, ';within 2 days of using my athlete's foot has totally cleared. My husband has also had the same results.';

AUTISM Kathie from Washington UK, writes, ';Many people who have autism may benefit from an emollient made from powdered epsom salts mixed with coconut oil and then massage with this cream.';


7/16/2006: Brandy from Tacoma, WA writes, ';I began using Coconut Oil as I heard it helps you lose weight and can lower your BP. My blood pressure has always been erratic, sometimes it will be as low as 117/70 or as high as 150/95. I exercise regularly, eat right, don't smoke, but still cannot get my BP under control. I started taking 1 tablespoon of the oil in the morning and at night. I noticed my BP was leveling off - but I also found I was gaining weight. I am not sure if it was due to the coconut oil, or if it was coincidental, but I put on 12 pounds! I stopped taking the coconut oil. I just purchased a bottle of organic Apple Cider Vinegar and hope this will aid in lowering my BP and get the 12 pounds off.';


7/7/2006: Carole from Peekskill, NY writes, This is a cure from Jamaica. Rub coconut oil on the head and on the chest if anyone has bronchitis or congestion. I've found that coconut oil and Saw Palmetto tea are really excellent for this. Coconut oil is also a great fighter against candida.';


12/5/2006: J writes, ';I saw a reduction (though not a total elimination) of the cellulite I've had on the back of my legs since I was 18 (I'm 28 now). I ate a very poor diet high in refined flours and no amount of high-intensity cardio and rigorous dieting would reduce the rolls on the backs of my legs. I saw results in about a month. I also used it on the tiny red bumps on my arms and saw results in a week. I just this week started using it as a moisturizer on my face -- I have painful cysts around my chin. I had been using Proactiv, which worked for about a year, but the cysts came back. Also, I was concerned about what I was hearing about benzoyl peroxide damaging the skin. So I've been applying a thin coat of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to my skin morning and night. So far, the results have been... bad. I've had about a dozen tiny pimples and several old spots that I thought had healed flared back up. I'm not sure if my skin is healing itself and getting all sorts of junk out, or if I'm just clogging up my pores. I'm going to try to stick it out for another week or so and will update if it improves. I'm wondering which is worse... a few painful cysts around my chin or numerous tiny pimples all over my forehead and chin? Hmmm.';


1/7/2006: Janie, from Palmdale writes, ';I started taking 2tbl.spoons of coconut oil 2 times a day, 8-05 for systemic candida. I have suffered chronic sinusitis for years. By 9-05 my sinuses were completely clear. No more Allegra, Flonase, Clartin, Contac or any of that stuff. I gave my daughter a jar and her sinuses cleared up in 3 days. I am still battling the candida.';


12/20/2006: Irene from Bayville, NJ writes, ';Coconut Oil cured my IBS and Bowel Distention. It was a little tough getting used to the taste tried all sorts of ways to get used to it but I actually don't mind it in my morning coffee. It has also made my skin very soft and my nails are growing like crazy. I will keep this one in my diet I feel so much more energy and it has only been a week!';

7/4/2006: Zoe from West Monroe, LA writes, ';Coconut oil cured my digestive problems... I lost 10 pounds -- it does make to eat less. skin is softer, bowels are much better. and i just feel better. i take 1 tablespoons 2 times a day. it made me sick at first, but not for long and it all went away. all it was doing was cleaning my body. mine is liquid and i put it in the ice box, and take it when it is hard. i like it.';


9/26/2006: Joy from Simi Valley writes, ';I started him on 3 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil about 9 months ago to try and help with his arthritis. So far it has not helped with this problem but he went in for his bi- annual check up where they stick the camera down your throat. He has Barrett's which is a constant irritation of the esophagus. It can lead to cancer and the doctor told him it was not curable and that he would have to live with this for the rest of his life. All they can do is keep tabs on it. Well much to the doctors surprise that after evaluating this chronic disease for over 5 years, it was completely gone. The only thing I can contribute it to is the oil since nothing else has changed in his diet. I was jumping off the walls for him. Now to get that arthritis!';


';Dog owners'; from Ogden, UT writes, ';I don't know about humans, but it's worked wonders for my dog's coat. Greatly increased shine; reduced scratching, chewing and odor.';

1/20/2006: Sherry, from Evans, GA writes, ';I give the oil to my Shar Pei. She has allergies and dry skin and scratches a lot.';


2/27/2007: Rhonda from Gallatin, TN writes, ';I read your Blogs about Coconut Oil.I was wondering if anyone has used the brand LouAna Coconut Oil that you buy from Walmart? Is it safe to use? It says 100%Pure All Natural on the bottle. I bought the Extra Virgin Coconut Oil online and have been using it.Just after 3 days we can see a difference in skin tone and blemishes. I think we've finally found something that works.';

2/8/2007: Virginia from Clinton, NC writes, ';I have been using coconut oil for dry skin and it has helped tremendously. I have done away with all other creams and use nothing but that as well as cooking with it and mixing it in my food. I have had none of the diarrhea problems that I have heard of others having.';

2/8/2007: Sujatha from Dubai UAE writes, ';Hi i am an Indian and coconut oil is widely used both as cooking oil and for topical application. Its great for skin, prevents dry, itchy and flaky skin and promotes hair growth too. In our country we don't drink this oil but use it for cooking and most of the doctors advice that it contains saturated fat which is a culprit in clogging arteries. My grandma had high cholesterol and the first thing the doc advised her was to change her cooking oil from coconut to sunflower oil. Please check with doctors before you start taking it internally. Best regards, sujatha';

1/31/2007: Barbara from Callands, VA writes, ';Coconut Oil has been in my kitchen for about two years. I use it for cooking anything that requires oil. I also use it daily on my skin and it is a wonder for the winter dryness. I use it as a replacement for butter on my toast and internal. It lubricates from the inside out and the outside in.';

1/28/2007: Jamie from Van Nuys, CA writes, ';Dry skin be gone!! I love this site, and I love testimonials. i am a sucker for them, for better or worse, and have bought many a useless thing based on them. But I am SO SO SO happy to say that this time it actually came true for me! After reading all the great stuff on the site, I bought some Virgin coconut oil. I have fairly dry skin (and always issues with acne and hating my skin) and I have religiously applied a good, natural vitamin A and E lotion everyday after showers for a long time, etc. do all the ';lock in moisture'; tips... but I still had dry skin, also felt tight no matter what, never that dewy, glowing thing you hear about all the time from really expensive lotions and creams. oh my god thank god for coconut oil!! i am in love with it. I have used it maybe 3 or 4 days now, all over my body and any flakiness is GONE. gone!! yay! my hands are very dry because I work with them, but when I take the time to rub in the oil it keeps it from cracking at least. I know if I am more diligent I might actually feel like I don't' have man hands! ha. The best thing is when I used it for a stir fry! holy cow, in love all over again. I mean, I really do feel like I glow like an 'island beauty' when I put it on, it melts so nicely and thin and silky on body temperature, and I am a redhead so anything that helps me feeling smooth and less mottled is a godsend. honestly, i am silk, not grease. even when it goes on it's not like oil, it's bliss. I'm a little overwhelmed with how/if to take it internally, along with all the ACV, molasses, hydrogen peroxide stuff... i don't' want to bombard my body.. Any suggestions on how to prioritize which of these I ingest/get in a good steady routine? Or if it's harmful to be eating coconut oil AND all this other stuff? is it too much? regardless, for dry skin coconut oil is THE WAY TO GO. hands down. OH! also feels so so nice on my face. I was worried I'd break out but so far so good. I actually, finally (sob) feel RIGHT in my skin. hasn't been so for a long time. my face actually feels lubricated, I have been stunned the past night or two that I put it on my face to realize that it feels healthy from the inside, which is literally unreal and a blessing. my self image has improved from outside, inside out! Not too be too dramatic, but I really finally feel like I can say I'm a beautiful woman, because my skin FEELS fresh, healthy and also looks it. thank you!!! ';

1/16/2007: Charlene from Jamaica, NY writes, ';My co-worker introduced me to Coconut Oil. I suffer from dry skin and Thyroid problems. I must admit it has made a major difference in my life! I take it orally every morning and I have noticed a healthy, glowing complexion on my face. I also use it on my skin and I cook with it as well. My overall feeling of using CO is very good because I believe that I've felt healthier since taking it!';

7/5/2006: Rita from Burson, CA writes, ';I have been taking coconut oil for a few weeks because of the health benefits I had heard about. One day I noticed that my skin felt very soft even though I had been too lazy to use body lotion. Later I reached up and touched my ears which had been rough for some time. They are as soft as baby ears. I didn't put it on my ears, I just took it internally a couple of tablespoons, sometimes more, a day. I also put it on my face at night and it seems to make a difference. At least my skin feels very soft.';

1/30/2006: Dorinda from York, NY writes, ';I've have been using coconut oil for over a year and it has given my skin a beautiful sheen... I no longer have dry, scaly skin; and it has helped my hair. I make bran muffins with it; stir fries, Thai food, and I put it in my protein shakes and often use it to make omelets. Also it is wonderful for a foot rub.. dishpan hands. I now can eat it right off a spoon.';

2/18/2006: Margaret from Garland, TX writes, ';Coconut Oil cured dry Skin on my scalp and body. I'll check back with you on the cholesterol lowering effects, but my skin is not nearly as dry as it was and my hair and scalp loves it. Never greasy just natural and smooth. I am also using it to replace cooking oil. That's where I expect to see the cholesterol lowering results. It has a very mild flavor and withstands heats just as well as other vegetable oils.';

2/26/2006: Jackie from NYC writes, ';I decided to try coconut oil on my hands, which have been dry, worn and terrible this winter! I am even beginning to get psoriasis on a few knuckles! I decided to massage coconut oil into each hand for about 5 minutes in the morning and evening. After 2 days I have to report that my hands look a thousand times better... softer, more feminine, etc. I think this is the best natural cure for dry skin. Hope others try it too!';

3/1/2006: Sana from Pakistan writes, ';my face turned dry and my complexion got dark. i tried coconut oil on my face; i simply padded on my face daily. my face got healthier look n i got fairness on my face.';

5/2/2006: Kathy from Kansas City writes, ';I used organic, virgin coconut oil on my skin and a daily dose of 1 tsp. I have been using it for about a month. It has really changed my dry skin. Before I used it my skin just seemed to always be dry and flaky, no matter how much I moisturized. I am a redhead with very fair skin. I love what it has done for my skin! It seems to calm the skin down, reducing redness, and it makes my skin feel so soft. I have occasionally had some red ';spots'; that show up then disappear, so it seems to be doing something more than just moisturizing. It appears to be reversing sun damage. I have only been using it for a month, so I think it is too soon to tell.';

1/11/2007: Krystal from Memphis, TN writes, ';I began using coconut oil on my hair and body and it is awesome. My skin is so soft. After I take my ACV bath or spray my body down with ACV after a shower, I wait until I am completely dry and rub my body down with the coconut oil. It is so good to my skin I can't help but to rub my own face and body! I began putting it around my dry cuticles; letting the oil soak in and can you believe my cuticle look awesome. I put it on my lips and let the oils soak in to make my lips softer. I don't need chap stick. I have coconut oil. I use a little on my hair and oil my scalp with it. I am going to experiment with taking it internally. I have read the comments about taking to much so I am going to start off slow. Natural products are awesome. Why don't we use what God intended! Nature! Vegetation %26amp; herbs! I love nature!';

11/17/2006: Lynn from West mont, IL writes, ';I used to have very dry skin, I'd have to put on lotion a couple times a day in the winter to feel ';normal.'; I also used department store facial creams. I now use coconut oil for my body and face. I can't rave enough about the results. A person in Fruitful Yield gave the me the suggestion for my daughter and then told me that she uses it on her face as a cream. I thought it was worth a try.';

1/7/2007: Lisa from Bangkok, Thailand writes, ';I ingest pure virgin coconut oil twice per day. I used to have dry scaly skin. I tried the most expensive lotion brands: Loccitane, Origins, Bath %26amp; Body Works -- but nothing made my skin shiny and smooth. After two weeks of ingesting coconut oil and using externally my skin began to shine! My boyfriend couldn't stop touching me and everyone thought I was pregnant because my skin glowed. I am an African-American so we notoriously suffer from dry skin but now I have beautiful skin and because I live in Thailand I have access to some of the best oil around at good prices. The only mild reactions I had was gas which I took gas pills for.';

8/2/2006: Suzan from Fair Oaks, CA writes, ';I did not try to 'cure' anything.. I just wanted the benefits of the coconut... I have never had any 'bad' reaction. We've been eating coconut oil for about 5 years. I buy it online from ';Tropical Traditions'; by the gallon. I LOVE coconut cream concentrate... (ground coconut meat with the oil) Eat it straight several times a day... Put the oil on my face every morning and on my husband's legs as they tend to become too dry in the hot summer. Also cook/fry with just the Virgin coconut oil... and olive oil. NONE of any coconut oil will 'clog your arteries'.. Read ';Know Your Fats'; by Mary G. Enig... She is very knowledgeable and will answer all your questions. Thanks for asking.....Suzan';

ECZEMA 8/4/2006: Jay from Chicago, IL writes, ';1 TBS daily of oral supplementation has helped by facial eczema and atopic dermatitis. I have become immediately convinced that Coconut oil is nothing short of a miracle remedy for the skin and immune system. I was suffering from weekly eczema outbreaks on the face, and within 4 days of using 3 tablespoons daily and dabbing it with vitamin E oil, I noticed an almost immediate improvement. The itching and redness stopped, and the inflammation was way down. I would strongly urge ANYONE who suffers from this condition to try it, because in my opinion, there is nothing else like it on the planet.';

3/1/2006: Bonnie writes, ';It is the only thing that gets rid of my daughter's eczema and mine. In fact mine was really bad when I was pregnant and it was the only relief I found. I used to take primrose oil internally -- that really helped, but it never offered any immediate relief. When she was about 2 months she got a bad flare up on her forehead and it cleared it within days. As a side note lice was going around the school and my boys came home with it. She never got it (I think it was the smell of coconut oil) %26amp; they always put their hats on her head.';

2/11/2006: Amy from Reeseville, WI writes, ';I use coconut oil half and half with butter to make my cookies or if the recipe calls for shortening, I use all coconut oil. It also cleared up eczema for me and my son. You can add it to bath water just a tablespoon or two. It works great.';

The Nays

3/21/2006: J Ayers writes, ';well it has helped my hair from being so dry. tried it on my skin for eczema but it has not cleared it up. i use spectrum coconut oil -- maybe i need a different brand.';


2/8/2007: Nicola from Basingstoke, UK writes, ';I started using coconut oil 5 days ago - because I heard that it helps you to lose weight. I've not really tracked my weight so far, but I can say, hand on heart, that I have suddenly found a load more energy from somewhere. My 3 year old still wakes me up through the night and some evenings it was as much as I could do to just sit in the chair watching TV or playing with my computer. I now feel energized enough to WANT to wash up etc.. I have noticed that I need to use the bathroom a lot more (maybe having 4-6 number ';2s'; during the day - which is highly unusual as normally it's 1-2 every other day) -and I've developed an incredible wind problem in the evening. I normally take 1 tablespoon first thing in the morning with my smoothie and it instantly wakes me up. Tonight for the first time I've taken another tablespoon so I'll see how I get on. Can't say I like the taste of it straight out of the jar - it made me feel sick the first day - but can't taste it in the smoothies. I used Holland %26amp; Barratt - which costs. c£9.95 but have no idea if its cold pressed/virgin etc..';


5/27/2006: Teri-Lee from TX writes, ';I cannot believe how much energy I have! I put 2 Tlbsp. in a blender with a 1/2 cup of milk and a banana and mix it up. I don't even taste the oil. I have learned to heat the oil for about 10 seconds in the microwave and then add it to the mixture in the blender because if the oil is a solid you can get chunks.';


12/31/2007: Michael from Elizabeth, NJ writes, ';For the last 4 tears or so I have had a fungus on both big toes. The nail becomes thick and discolored with rough edges. Not an attractive sight. I have been using coconut oil now for about 9 months and can honestly say it has made a difference in the appearance of my toenails. One of the many properties of CO is antifungal. I can';t say enough about this tropical oil. I eat at least 3 Tbles a day I have more energy, have lost weight, no change in my cholesterol and love its taste. Try it and you will never go back to the other veggie oils.';

8/17/2006: Annabelle from Victoria, Australia writes, ';I had toenail fungus for 5yrs. started using virgin coconut oil applied topically with amazing results. Used loceryl lacquer for 3yrs did not get rid of it. Used some oxygenated melaluca cream which helped %26amp; may have cured it but smelled so bad it really wasn't practical. I read about coconut oil on internet %26amp; gave it a go, i didn't think it would seriously work. I massaged it into top of nail %26amp; all around it %26amp; made sure it was under toenail which was easy as it is liquid (hardens in cold weather but melts on contact with skin). Now 1 big toenail totally cured, other toenail is almost gone but it was much worse and was first to be infected. Absolutely amazing and i don't even apply it everyday!!! Doesn't smell. I rub it into all my other toenails (hoping this will prevent them from getting it in them). I bought a brand from my local health food shop and made sure it was 100% virgin and this one was cold pressed-don't know if that means anything but i'm sure other brands would work, I am just thrilled with results and grateful that i gave it a go.';


2/27/2007: Noel from Manila, Phillipines writes, ';Chronic gallbladder pain: I took 2 tablespoons of VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) and within 2 weeks felt much better. It also helped me in my bowel movements. I used to very irregular. Now its every day! VCO that has been extracted using a cold press method.';


2/25/2007: Carolyn from Lorain, OH writes, ';I have been taking virgin coconut oil for eight months now because I read it will help regulate my thyroid. I am hyper-thyroid and have been on medication for the past four years.Last month I stopped my meds.because I was told my thyroid is in remission now. I believe the oil is what helped me.';

2/22/2007: Linda from Orlando, FL writes, ';Hypothyroid / Coconut Oil: I suffer from hypothyroid and have taken levoxyl for about 7 years. I also have suffered with fatigue for most of my 47 years for a wide variety of reasons (anemia, depression, hypothyroid, sleep apnea, RLS). It seems I have every condition that can rob one of sleep and energy. Anyway, I was looking for a natural form of thyroid support and came upon information about coconut oil being helpful (about two weeks ago). I just found this wonderful site this week, which I intend to frequent OFTEN, and I thought I'd contribute my experience with coconut oil. So far (2 weeks) I have a bit more energy. I have gained about 8 pounds since January (I tend to be slim), which I want to lose. I hope the energy helps the weight loss. I'll keep you posted. ';

1/13/2007: Michelle from Rock Springs, WY writes, ';I had a low functioning thyroid, very dry hair and skin. Since taking the Virgin Coconut Oil I no longer need my thyroid meds. My hair is soft and silky and my skin has dramatically improved. I cook with it and I also put it on my face 2x per day. What a miracle, I have also noticed an increase in energy. Other cure I found for it was diaper rash. My baby had a really bad rash while teething, her bottom would bleed and none of the creams at the store seemed to do anything at all, so I tried the coconut oil and with one application her bottom cleared up dramatically and the next day it was completely gone!';

5/7/2006: Geri from Monrovia, CA writes, ';I know among many other things that pure Virgin Coconut oil helps thyroid, regulates body temp. Tropical Traditions website has the best info, product, and prices as well as giving the money from sales to the islanders who actually produce it. I provide health product recommendations to people and this is one of my top items, along with Apple Cider Vinegar.';

6/20/2006: Rosemarie from Salem, OH writes, ';I take Virgin Coconut Oil for thyroid function. It has cured flaky skin, cholesterol, glucose. I dropped almost 10 points on glucose, my skin is so soft I feel new! My good cholesterol was raised by 10 points, also. I am careful to take this everyday at the same time, with the same amount ingested (1 Tablespoon). I have never experienced any of the problems reported. It has made my skin so soft that my husband has to touch me all the time!! He can't believe the difference! I have always been very careful of eating right and exercising--this fits right in with my other regimes.';
Check out this website. I asked the same question recently.

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