Friday, December 18, 2009

Is it best to buy coconut oil in liquid or block form?

I've heard that coconut oil is very stable and therefore a good choice for frying. Can I use coconut oil that is sold in block form, or should I use liquid oil? I'd be grateful for advice about the best place to buy it from.

Many thanks.Is it best to buy coconut oil in liquid or block form?
Coconut oil is solid at room temp, my jar says solid below 18C and liquid above 24C.

If your local Tesco has a large asian section you will find jars there.Is it best to buy coconut oil in liquid or block form?
coconut oil turns to liquid at 70 degrees f. any colder and it will be solid.
Well.. It really depends on what you're making with coconut oil..

But I'd prefer Liquid
Well personally i like the solid best.Its easier to measure and way less messy....
Well it depend what your cooking really

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