Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What difference mean between by Coconut Oil refined and Coconut Oil fined?

Um I'm not sure... what you mean by ';fined';. Is that meant to be ';unrefined';?

The refined one has been processed from copra (dried coconut meat), probably subjected to heat, bleaching etc.

Unrefined coconut oil is not processed in the same manner.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I use cold pressed centrifuged virgin coconut oil.

When I was growing up in the islands of PNG we had our own coconut grater and used to freshly grate our own coconuts.

We used to add a small amount of water to the grated coconut and squeeze the coconut to hand extract the coconut cream from the grated flesh. We'd then sieve the liquid and add it to our cooking. It cant get much fresher than that!

If we wanted coconut cream, we would pour the squeezed coconut liquid into a container and set it in the fridge and allow the cream to rise to the top.

If we wanted coconut oil all we had to do was bring the fresh coconut cream to the boil and then let it cool... the coconut oil would separate by itself and form at the top of the container.

Great thing about coconut is its long shelf life without preservatives!What difference mean between by Coconut Oil refined and Coconut Oil fined?
well ';re'; means do over so..... but idk

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